Outrageous Requests by Rich Tourists
Rich people while travelling to the luxury skiing areas, the thing they are least bothered about is “money”, hence the usual requests they make upon their stay at the venues. As Daily Mail reports it, wealthy people and families are fond of spending their holidays in private chalets which are well equipped with Chauffer and chef services at a price of £60,000 per week.
The luxurious purpose built chalets for super rich becomes home to people from all over the world and they are mainly from Middle East, Australia, Brazil, Britain and Russia. A sales representative of Peli-Ski, Hamesh Godron was quoted as saying; “We have a motto: Nothing is impossible, the impossible just takes a little longer to organise. There’s no food you can’t deliver, there are no extra activities you cannot organise. As long as someone is willing to pay for it, there isn’t anything you can’t do.”
The rule “Nothing is impossible” once had to be molded when one of the guests residing at the chalet requested for arrangement of an elephant ride for his daughter on her birthday. The request could not be entertained as the arrangement was costing around £1million and there were concerns on this by the animal welfare department. Another request by some other guest was made which was to turn 60 inch TV screen to 100 inch screen as the screen was too tiny for them.
Managing Director and co-founder of Consensio, Ceri Tinley was reported to have said, “once had to completely strip a room to change it into a dog bedroom, filling it with AstroTurf, a white picket fence and even dog bowls with Evian water.“ In a similar dog related incident, a car driven by chauffeur took the dog to a high end restaurant where it met its owners for lunch. After the lunch was over, the dog was driven back to home and the owners set out for skiing.
One of the guests along with his group made a request which the management could not refuse when the group was not interested in having the brand of vodka that the bar had in stock and instead requested for another one at 2:30 am in the morning. The arrangement of the particular vodka was made from another hotel and it was purchased for shot by shot terms costing them around £3,500.
Few of the guests have also flown in caviar from Italy where every utensil, crockery was filled with it. In a romantic and one of the memorable way to show love was when one of the guests asked for an arrangement of fireworks particularly with guest’s partner name to be shown was done at a cost of £35,000.